How old will you be in 3 years? 24
Do you think you’ll be married by then? (obviously haha)
What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? winter break.
Who was the last person you called? JJ
Who was the last person you hugged? JJ
What were you doing 5 hours ago? leaving work
Parents separated/divorced/married? married
Last time you saw your dad? a few hours ago
What did you do last night? spent time w' a friend: dinner @ Panera, browsing through Joann Fabrics, watched the S&tC movie
Do you like coffee? prefer the 'ccinos
What do you drink in the morning? hardly anything.. hopefully i'll get in the good habit of water again soon :)
Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring? definitely without >.<
Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? left ;)
Do you know how to play poker? sort of...
Whats so good about Fridays? every other Friday is the start of JJ's and my weekends off...
Do you eat out or at home more often? I hate to admit this.. but out =\
Ever stolen a street sign? nope
Do you keep a piggy bank? nope
What kind of camera do you have? FujiFilm Finepix
Have you ever been in an ambulance? nope
Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? depends... after I while I start to get scared of both actually hahaha
Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? window =)
Do you speak any other language? eh... I can understand tagalog and simple spanish..
What is the color of your bedroom walls? Blue & White
Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? No >.<>
Are you waiting for something? Yes - for JJ to wake up and say goodnight. I don't think it's happening haha
What were you doing at ten last night? Watching Sex and the City
What was the last thing you drank? horchata from El Burrito Fantastico! =D
Did you have a dream last night? a bad one =(
If you could have something right now, who would it be? Subway sandwich
Last time you cried really really hard? I can't remember... I know what it was about, but I don't know how long ago that was... maybe a month? Less than?
Do you prefer hot or cold weather? Cool.. not cold... Warm.. not hot. haha
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? If it were warmer yes. lol
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? Uhhm... pretty sure?
If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? Well, I would go back just to relive.. not redo... I wouldn't mind reliving many parts of the past year :) Or actually... no I would redo something... three and a half years ago -- I would have talked to JJ more at the cotillion and MADE HIM STAY FOR THE DANCING!!
How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead? very, very loved..
Who last called you? uhm... either my dad or JJ.
Where did you sleep last night? in our bed
What was your first alcoholic beverage? White Russian ;)
Have you ever peed while on the phone? hahaha NO WAAAYY
What do you have pierced on you? just my ears.
Have you ever been on a blind date? nope... now it's too late for that... kinda wish I had at least tried it... I'd probably have a good time..
When is the last time you saw fireworks? 4th of July 2oo8
Do you remember your first favorite song? Oh I had so many as a kid... Manic Monday, Bananarama, all the Disney songs... hahaha
Are you taller than your mom? Nope
Favorite Fruit? mango =)
Vegetable? spinach
What are you planning on doing after filling this out? cuddling with a knocked-out husband.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah
When was the last time you got butterflies? everytime I see JJ when he comes home from work.. or when I come home from work... Or when we're just walking separately and he finds his way towards me.
What are you listening to? snoring.
Reblog! Cut and paste your answers.